A letter from Alix of Vergy (1248/1247, February)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix duchess, mother of the duke of Burgundy, make known to all who will look at the present letters that as there was a dispute between the abbess and convent of Lieu-Dieu on one side and Milo of Dijon and his nephew Dominic on the other, over a certain vineyard situated in the territory of Nuits, namely in the area of Crochamps, near the leper-house of said town, between the vineyards of Thomas Chorphette on both sides, which vineyard Johanna sister of said Milo, formerly wife of Robert, my baker, in her last will bequeathed to said abbess and convent as it/they asserted. Finally with the parties standing in my presence, with the counsel of prudent men and the common consent of the parties, it was settled in this manner: namely that said Milo released for himself and his nephew to said nuns the said vineyard in perpetuity. Said abbess indeed and the convent of Lieu-Dieu gave said Milo and his nephew fifty Dijon pounds as payment for said vineyard. Said Milo however promised to defend and also guarantee said vineyard against all with all his goods, moveable and immoveable. Said Dominic approved and consented to this payment. And that this be held established and firm in the future, I appended my seal to the present letters at the entreaties of both sides. Enacted in the 1247th year of the Lord in the month of February.

Original letter:

Alaydis ducissa, mater ducis Burgundie, notum facio omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis quod cum discordia verteretur inter abbatissam et conventum Loci Dei, ex una parte, et Milonem de Divione et Dominicum,nepotem suum ex altera, super quadam vinea sita in territorio de Nuyz, videlicet in finagio dc Croechamp, prope Leprosiam dicte ville, inter vineas Thome Chorphette ex utroque latere, quam vineam Johanneta soror dicti Milonis, quondam uxor Roberti, panificis mei, in extrema voluntate constituta legaverat dictis abbatisse et conventui prout ipse asserebant. Tandem partibus in presentia mea constitutis, de consilio prudentium virorum et communi consensu partium pacificatum fuit in hunc modum; videlicet quod dictus Milo pro se et pro nepote suo dictis monialibus predictam vineam in perpetuum quittavit. Dicta vero abbatissa et conventus Loci-Dei dicto Miloni et nepoti suo dederunt quinquaginta libras Divionensium pro quitatione dicte vinee sibi facta. Promisit autem dictus Milo super omnia bona sua mobilia et immobilia dictam vineam contra omnes deffendere et etiam garantire. Hanc autem quitationem dictis Dominicus laudavit et etiam approbavit. Et ut hoc ratum et firmum in posterum habeatur, ad preces utriusque partis presentibus litteris sigillum meum apposui. Actum anno Domini MoCCo quadragesimo septimo, mense februarii.

Historical context:

The duchess records the settlement of a dispute she mediated between the abbess of a Lieu-Dieu and Milo of Dijon over a vineyard.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.365-66, #2594.


1248/1247, February



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