Presentations (Communicative Events)

Rachel Wu: Older adults’ learning and adaptation as resilience processes to counter social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Wu, Rachel

This presentation was made by Rachel Wu, University of California, Riverside. The presentation’s title is: “Older adults’ learning and adaptation as resilience processes to counter social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Funded by NSF Social, Behavioral and Economics Sciences / Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences.


Every month, the COVID Information Commons Team (along with the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub) brings together a group of researchers studying wide-ranging aspects of the current pandemic, to share their research and answer questions from our community. The events showcase scientists' ongoing efforts in the fight against COVID-19, including opportunities for collaboration.


  • thumnail for Rachel Wu, University of California-Riverside.docx.pdf Rachel Wu, University of California-Riverside.docx.pdf application/pdf 69.1 KB Download File
  • thumnail for Rachel Wu, University of California-Riverside.mp4 Rachel Wu, University of California-Riverside.mp4 video/mp4 8.9 MB Play Download File

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Academic Units
Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub
COVID-19 Research Lightning Talks
Published Here
February 28, 2022