A letter from Peter of Aragon (1204)


Marie of Montpellier
Peter of Aragon


William, bishop of Maguelone, and 12 men of Montpellier

Translated letter:

I. Hear, William, bishop of Maguelone, I, Peter, by God's grace king of Aragon, count of Barcelona and lord of Montpellier, from this hour henceforth I will not seize your person, I will not destroy your life and limbs, etc. This was enacted in the year of the lord's incarnation 1204, fifteenth kalends of July at Montpellier, in the church of Blessed Mary in common conference in the presence and witness of Raymond, count of Toulouse, B. of Andusia, William of Balcio, his brother Hugh of Balcio, Ildefonsus count of Provence, count of Sancius, Peter of Eissauciaco, Stephen from Burgundy, canons of Maguelone; Peter of Conques, his son G. of Conques, Berengard of Conques, R. Atbrand, R. of Mairois, R. Benedict, Radulph Bonefacius, Pontius Aldeguerius, P. of Salviano, Jacob of Nivella, Pontius William, G. of Venranicis, Bertrand of Venranicis his brother, R. Rascaszel, Hugh of Monterotund, Firmin Fulcrand, Pontius of Rocheta, Stephen of Ovellano, Peter of Operibus, William Rasicot, Carbonel Ordear, Laurence Aldebert, G. Peter of Figiaco, Durant of Gros, G. Borel, John of Casa, Jacob Lumbard, Guido Bergonnon, G. Dionysius, Umbert of Alesto, Bertrand Rainald, Richerius Bonafos, Berengar of Manso, William Tropassen, G. of Maschones, R. Boccaos, R. Kauson, R. Adalrad, P. of Adillano, G. of St. Antonino, P. Basterius, Peter Pipin, Aimericus of Congeniis, John Bligerius, Rainald Stornell, Laurence Ricard, Pontius Carbonelli, P. Carbonelli, Pontius of Quaranta, Peter Cornelius, R. Ebrard, Arnald of Baldaco, G. Gariberni, G. of Arelate, P. Salvaire, Berengar Aimerici, G. Bidocii, Stephen Tabernarius, Bertrand Egidius, Peter Roderius, G. Manentis, P. Rainald, G. Boccados, G. of Lunello and many others, and Hugh Laurence, notary who wrote this with the aforesaid writing above, which says "od emendarai" (with things to be emended?).
II. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the year of his incarnation 1204, kalends of March. I Peter, by God’s grace king of Aragon, count of Barcelona and lord of Montpellier, for me and for queen Marie, my wife, and for all our successors, give, approve, concede and firmly promise to you twelve upright men elected to advise the community of Montpellier, present and future, and the whole society of Montpellier, that the castrum and town of Montpellier and the castrum and town of Lattes and of Newcastle and all the castra and towns that I received as dowry with the aforesaid Marie, queen, my wife, should always exist and remain under one dominion and seigneury and should always remain with and belong inseparably to the dominion of the town of Montpellier, such that we and our successors or anyone of our people may not separate anything of the abovesaid things from you and from the power and dominion of the town of Montpellier at any time, by title of sale, donation, exchange, pledge or donation as fief or any other type of transfer. Moreover I wish and concede that you receive for oath of the present and future swearers of Montpellier the men from Lattes and Newcastle. Moreover I promise and agree to you through stipulation that I will not transfer or cause to be transferred or allow to be transferred by anyone the castrum of Montpellier and the castrum of Lattes and Newcastle to any powerful person. Nonetheless it should be known that we can pledge to men only of Montpellier or of those places, such that they grant freely the revenues of the town of Montpellier of the castrum and town of Lattes and Newcastle after the pledge of Lattes will be released from the bond of pledge in which it is obliged to you twelve upright men and the society of Montpellier. Moreoever, I give and concede to you and the whole society of Montpellier that you twelve upright men, present and future, chosen to counsel the community of Montpellier, should have full power of establishing, engaging and improving everything that will be known to pertain to you for the use of the community of Montpellier, and that the town of Montpellier should be walled and fortified according to your knowledge and establishment and that of your successors, nonetheless with our dominion and jurisdiction and that of our court of Montpellier remaining and enduring. Further, I promise to you and to the whole society of Montpellier that those whom we have exiled in the period in which the land of Montpellier has come to me, from the present I will bring about in whatever way I can, I will put them to flight and inasmuch as I can I will continually have them driven out such that none of them will ever return to Montpellier or to any land of mine, and they will never hold love or faith with me. Further, I know and recognize with this present document that the lord of Montpellier has never held nor should hold surety over the men of Montpellier, such that for a lord they should oblige themselves or their property to others, unless they wish to give surety for him out of love. Moreover, I promise and agree to you that I will have all the aforesaid things approved, confirmed, and held as ratified by the aforesaid queen, my wife. Further, I also promise and agree with you through stipulation, with renunciation made by me of written and unwritten right and of all right of assistance, that I have not said or done nor will say or do anything that resists any or any one of these things contained above, nor will I or our successors come against these or any of these things in any place or time, nor will anyone for us, but we will cause all to remain sure and ratified always. I will uphold and observe all these things fully forever and I present Bernard to swear for me.
And I, Bernard, by command of the abovewritten my lord king, having physically touched the sacrosanct Gospels, swear that he himself will observe all the aforesaid things. Witnesses of all this are P. of Bizanchis. R. Benedict, Lucas Pulverel, P. Lobet, Berengard Amici, John Lucian, Austorgus of Orllaco, Regord, G. of Grabels, Bertrand Egidius, R. of Caturcio, G. of Conchis, G. Peter, B. Gandalric, Jacob Lumbard, Randulf Bonefacius, G. Berengard, P. Lucian, Jo. Of Orllaco, G. Boccados, Hugh of Porta, G. of Cavannaco, William Bidocius, Pontius Vitalis, Pontius Ri., Simon of Camponovo, G. Borrel, G. Capud of Bove, B. Capud of Bove, lord G. provost of Maguelone, G. of Rabastenx, Jo. Of Lattes and Hugh Laurence, notary who wrote this and (signed by hand).
And I, Marie, by the same grace queen of Aragon, countess of Barcelona, and lady of Montpellier, approve and confirm each and all things contained above in this charter in the same manner and contract, and I wish them to be considered ratified forever, and so that they may be observed fully and in no way violated by me I present to swear on my soul P. of Stagno, and to bring about full faith of all these things, I command this document to be strengthened by my seal.
This was enacted the day prior to the ides of March, in the year and month as above in the castrum of Cosolibero in the chamber of the same lady queen in the presence of the lord king. Witnesses called and summoned P. of Porta, J. of Montebelliard, Anselm of Massilia the younger, J. or Orlac, G. Clemens, B. Otho, Hugh of Rofiac, B. Gui, G. Pontius, G. Barbavaira, B. Riquet, S. of Lunello, P. Amalric, Hugh of Manso, P. Bruno, G. of Porta, Rostagnus of Montearbedono and R. priest, public notary of Cocolibero, who by command of the lady queen wrote. This is the transcript. III. Hear, William bishop of Maguelone, I Marie, lady of Montpellier, daughter of the late William of Montpellier, son of the late duchess Matilda, from this hour henceforth I will not seize your person, I will not destroy your life and limbs, etc. (as in other similar oaths). This was enacted at Montpellier, in the church of Blessed Mary, in the year of the lord’s incarnation 1208, ides of April in the presence and witness of B. of St. Gervasius, bishop of Maguelone, P. of Agrifolio, P. of Lunello archdeacon of Maguelone, B. of Mesoa, sacristan, G. Carbonelli, B. Vidian, P. of Campo, P. of Triatorio, G. Martin, canons, Bertrand of Vallauches, soldier, Berengard Lanbert, John of Lattes, Stephan John, P. of Avarcione, advocates, G. Caput, bailiff of Bove, Lumbard the deacon, John Vacce, Raymond Atbrand, R. of Caturcio, John Lucian, John of Casa, B. Gres, Peter Lobet, William of Venranicis and many others, and Hugh Laurence, notary who by command of the parties wrote these things.1

Original letter:

Audi tu, Guillerme Magalonensis episcope, ego Petrus, Dei gratia rex Aragonum, comes Barchinone & dominus Montipessulani, ab ista hora in antea personam tuam non capiam, vitam & membra tua tibi non tollam, &c. Hoc fuit factum anno dominice Incarnationis M°CCIV° XV kalendas julii, apud Montempessulanum, in ecclesia Beate Marie, in comuni colloquio, in presentia & testimonio Raimundi comitis Tholosani, B. de Andusia Guillelmi de Balcio, Ugonis de Balcio fratris sui, Ildefonsi comitis Provincie, comitis Sancii, Petri de Eissauciaco, Stephan Burgundionis, canonicorum Magalonensium; Petri de Conchis, G. de Conchis ejus filii, Berengarii de Conchis, R. Atbrandi, R. de Mairois, R. Benedicti, Radulphi Bonefacii, Poncii Aldeguerii, P. de Salviano, Jacobi de Nivella, Poncii Guillelmi, G. de Venranicis, Bertrandi de Venranicis fratris sui, R. Rascaszel, Ugonis de Monterotundo, Firmini Fulcrandi, Poncii de Rocheta, Stephani de Ovellano, Petri de Operibus, Guillermi Rasicot, Carbonelli Ordearii, Laurencii Aldeberti, G. Petri de Figiaco, Duranti de Gros, G. Borelli, Johannis de Casa, Jacobi Lumbardi, Guidonis Bergonnon, G. Dionisii, Umberti de Alesto, Bertrandi Rainaldi, Richerii Bonafos, Berengarii de Manso, Guillermi Tropassen, G. de Maschones, R. Boccados, R. Kausoni, R. Adalradi, P. de Adillano, G. de Sancto Antonino, P. Basterii, Petri Pipini, Aimerici de Congeniis, Johannis Biigerii, Rainaldi Stornelli, Laurencii Ricardi, Poncii Carbonelli, P. Carbonelli, Poncii de Quaranta, Petri Cornelii, R. Ebrardi, Arnaldi de Baldaco, G. Gariberni, G. de Arelate, P. Salvaire, Berengarii Aimerici, G. Bidocii, Stephani Tabernarii, Bertrandi Egidii, Petri Roderii, G. Manentis, P. Rainaldi, G. Boccados, G. de Lunello & aliorum quamplurium, & Ugonis Laurencii notarii, qui hec scripsicit (sic) cum predicta suprascripcione, que dicit "od emendarai." II. In nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi, anno ejusdem Incarnationis millesimo ducentesimo quarto, kalendis marcii. Ego Petrus, Dei gratia rex Aragonum, comes Barchinonensis & dominus Montispessulani, per me & per Mariam reginam, uxorem meam & per universos successores nostros, dono, laudo & concedo & firmiter expromitto vobis duodecim probis hominibus electis ad consulendam communitatem Montispessulani, presentibus & futuris, & toti universitati Montispessulani, quod castrum & villa Montispessulani & castrum & villa de Latis & Castrumnovum & omnia castra & ville, que cum predicta Maria regina uxore mea in dotem accepi, sint semper & maneant sub una dominatione & seinhorivo & ad dominationem ville Montispessulani inseparabiliter semper pertineant & maneant, ita quod nullum predictorum nos vel successores nostri a vobis & a potestativo & dominatione ville Montispessulani nullo tempore separemus vel aliquis nostrum, titulo venditionis, donationis, permutationis, pignoris seu donationis in feudum vel quolibet alio genere alienationis. — Volo preterea & concedo, quod recipiatis in sacramento juratorum Montispessulani presentium & futurorum homines de Latis & de Castronovo. Item promitto & convenio vobis per stipulationem, quod castrum Montispessulani & castrum de Latis & Castrumnovum iiulli persone potenti tradam vel tradi faciam nec ab aliquo tradi paciar. — Sciendum tamen est quod redditus ville Montispessulani, castri & ville de Latis & Castrinovi, postquam pignus de Latis a vinculo pignoris, in quo vobis duodecim probis hominibus & universitati Montispessulani obligatur, redemptum fuerit, possumus impignorare hominibus tantum Montispessulani vel ipsorum locorum, ita tamen quod in solutum cedant. — Dono preterea & concedo vobis & toti universitati Montispessulani, quod vos duodecim probi homines, electi ad consulendam comunitatem Montispessulani, presentes & futuri, habeatis plenam potestatem statuendi, distringendi & corrigendi ea omnia que visa vobis fuerint pertinere ad utilitatem comunitatis Montispessulani, & quod villa Montispessulani muretur & muniatur per vestram & successorum vestrorum noticiam & stabilimentum, manente tamen & durante dominatione & jurisdictione nostra & curie nostre Montispessulani. Promitto etiam vobis & toti universitati Montispessulani quod illos quos fecimus exules tempore quo terra Montispessulani pervenit ad me pervenit & de presenti facio, modis quibus potero fugabo & quam procul potero semper fugari faciam, & quod ipsi vel aliquis eorum nunquam redeant in Montepessulano nec in tota terra mea, nec amorem nec fiduciam mecum unquam habebunt.— Item scio & cognosco cum hac presenti scriptura, quod dominus Montispessulani nunquam habuit nec habere debet firmantiam in hominibus Montispessulani, ita quod pro domino aliis se vel res suas obligent, nisi per amorem pro eo vellent fidejubere. Item promitto & convenio vobis, quod omnia predicta faciam laudari, confirmari & rata haberi a predicta regina uxore mea. Adhuc etiam promitto & convenio vobis per stipulationem, facta a me renuntiatione juris scripti & non scripti & tocius juris auxilii, nichil me dixisse vel fecisse nec etiam dicturum vel facturum, quod his que superius continentur vel alicui eorum obviet, nec contra hec vel aliquid horum ullo loco vel tempore ego vel successores nostri veniemus, nec aliquis per nos, set ita totum firmum ratum semper manere faciemus. Hec omnia plenarie tenebo & observabo in perpetuum & facio Bernardinum per me jurare. — Et ego Bernardinus, mandato domini mei regis prescripti, tactis corporaliter sacrosanctis Evangeliis juro, quod ipse omnia predicta observabit. Horum omnium testes sunt P. de Bizanchis, R. Benedicti, Luchas Pulverelli, P. Lobeti, Berengarius Amici, Johannes Luciani, Austorgus de Orllaco, Regordus, G. de Grabels, Bertrandus Egidius, R. de Caturcio, G. de Conchis, G. Petri, B. Gandalrici, Jacobus Lumbardi, Randulphus Bonefacius, G. Berengarius, P. Luciani, Jo. de Orllaco, G. Boccados, Ugo de Porta, G. de Cavannaco, Guillelmus Bidocius, Poncius Vitalis, Poncius Ri., Symon de Camponovo, G. Borrelli, G. Capud de Bove, B. Capud de Bove, dominus G. Magalonensis prepositus, G. de Rabasteux, Jo. de Latis & Ugo Laurentii notarius, qui hec scripsit & (signum manuale). Et ego Maria, eadem gratia regina Aragonum, comitissa Barchinone & Montispessulani domina, omnia & singula que superius in hac carta continentur laudo & confirmo eodem modo & pacto & rata in perpetuum haberi volo, & ut a me pleniiis observentur & in nullo violentur facio jurare super animam meam P. de Stagno, & ad plenam horum omnium fidem faciendam, hanc paginam sigillo meo muniri precipio. Quod est actum pridie idus marcii, anno & mense quo supra, in castro de Cocolibero, in camera ejusdem domine regine coram domino rege. Testes vocati & rogati P. de Porta, J. de Montebelliardo, Anselmus de Massilia juvenis, J. de Orlac, G. Clemens, B. Otho, Ugo de Rofiaco, B. Gui, G. Poncius, G. Barbavaira, B. Riquet, S. de Lunelle, P. Amalrici, Ugo de Manso, P. Brunus, G. de Porta, Rostagnus de Montearbedono & R. presbiter, publicus notarius de Cocolibero, qui mandato domine regine scripsit. — Hoc est transcriptum. III. Audi tu, Guillelme Magalonensis episcope, ego Maria domina Montispessuli, filia quondam Guillermi Montispessulani, filii quondam Mathildis ducisse, ab ista hora in antea personam tuam non capiam, vitam & membra tua tibi non tollam, &c. (ut in aliis similibus sacramentis). Hoc fuit factum apud Montempessulanum, in ecclesia Beate Marie, anno dominice Incarnationis M°CC°VIII, ydus aprilis, in presentia & testimonio B. de Sancto Gervasio Magalonensis prepositi, P. de Agrifolio, P. de Lunello Magalonensis archidiaconi, B. de Mesoa sacriste, G. Carbonelli, B. Vidiani, P. de Campo, P. de Triatorio, G. Martini canonicorum, Bertrandi de Vallauches militis, Berengarii Lanberti, Johannis de Latis, Stephani Johannis, P. de Avarcione causidicorum, G. Capitis de Bove bajuli, Lumbardi diaconi, Johannis Vacce, Raimundi Atbrandi, R. de Caturcio, Johannis Luciani, Johannis de Casa, B. Gres, Petri Lobeti, Guillelmi de Venranicis & aliorum quamplurium, & Ugonis Laurencii notarii, qui mandato parcium hec scripsit.

Historical context:

Peter and Marie promise the bishop that they will not attack him, and the men who represent Montpellier that they will respect the integrity of Montpellier. A castrum is an administrative unit with a fortification/castle at the center.

Scholarly notes:

1. The text and translation were provided by Ashleigh Imus. Part of the document is printed in Layettes du Tresor des Chartres, pages 284 and 285 (document #752). Ms. Imus compared the two versions and found no differences.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc, ed. C.L. Devic and J. Vaissette, avec des notes et les pieces justificatives Toulouse, 1879), v.8, cc.522-26.





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