A letter of confirmation


Elizabeth of the Cumans



Translated letter:

Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of Hungary to all the faithful of Christ present and future who will look at the present writing greetings in the bestower of salvation of all.  Right persuades and the order of reason demands that the grace of reginal benevolence defend and confirm by the patronage of her charters the possessions of the faithful held and obtained legally.  Therefore we wish to bring to the notice of all of you by the content of the presents that favorably inclined to the just requests of Gregory Otrochk, son of Beluch and the sons of Sewa holding lands of Pozsega, we left to them the land called  Oryoycha in the county/ispánate of Pozsega which they held by right at the time of lady Maria our mother-in-law of pious memory according to the content of the charter of that lady Maria, to be possessed in perpetuity with its uses and appurtenances.  The boundaries of that land as we saw it contained in letters patent of Lawrence formerly count/ispán of Pozsega are defined in this way:  the first boundary begins from the west near the Oryoycha river and there is a land boundary, thence it climbs to the mountain to three oak (tulfa) trees beneath which is a land boundary and there is a shared boundary with Mylsa, where it goes east and reaches a road and goes through that road southward to three tulfa trees under which is a land boundary, thence indeed it goes through a rise (byrch) and reaches a cherfa under which is a land boundary; there are shared boundaries with the lady queen’s people of Komiricha to the east, thence it goes to a pear under which is a land boundary, then to a land boundary and there are shared boundaries with the lady queen’s people of Grad creek, thence to a land boundary which land boundary divides the land of Beluch from the land of the lady queen, there a shared boundary with said Beluch and Peter son of Cheley, thence it goes to a land boundary which is next to a vineyard of the lady queen’s people, thence above the vineyard it reaches a land boundary, thence rises to a pear tree under which is a land boundary, thence it goes to a willow tree which is in the middle of the village under which is a land boundary, thence it goes to a land boundary which is behind the courtyard of Peter, son of Chelley, thence to a land boundary which is beside a valley and goes through that valley higher to a land boundary which is beside said valley, then rises higher to the west to the church of St. Luke the evangelist and under the churchyard is a land boundary, thence it rises northward and reaches a pear tree under which is a land boundary and there are shared boundaries with the lady queen’s people of Oryoycha, thence again to a pear tree under which is a land boundary, from which it goes to a fruit-tree (gymulchynfa) under which is a land boundary, thence to a pear tree under which is a land boundary, there are shared boundaries of Otrochk and the Sewa brothers, thence it turns eastward and descends to a valley to a land boundary, then rises to the mountain and reaches a hornbeam (gyrteanfa) tree under which is a land boundary, thence to a tulfa tree under which is a land boundary, thence it descends to a well/trench which is as a boundary and through the water of said  well/trench it falls into the Oryoycha river and there next to the Oryoycha river is a land boundary and through said Oryoycha water it goes against the course of the water and reaches a prior boundary and there the boundaries of the land called Oryoycha of oft-mentioned Beluch, end; also the  fishpool called Chernuch pertaining to said land Oryoycha, as they say, we leave to them without injustice of an alien right to be possessed in the aforesaid way.  In memory and perpetual stability of which thing we have granted the present letters to said Gregory Otrochk and son Sewa enforced by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of master Gregory faithful chancellor of our court, in the thousand two hundred seventy fifth year from the incarnation of the lord.

Original letter:

Elysabeth dei gracia regina Hungarie vniuersis Christi fidelibus tam presentibus quam futuris presens scriptum inspecturis salutem in salutis omnium largitore.  Ut possessiones fidelium legitime habitas et optentas reginalis benignitatis gracia suorum priuilegiorum patrocinio muniat et confirmet, ius suadet et ordo expostulat racionis.  Ad vniuersitatis itaque vestre noticiam tenore presencium volumus peruenire, quod nos iustis peticionibus Otrochk Gregorii filii Beluch et filiorum Sewe terras tenencium de Posoga fauorabiliter inclinati terram Oryoycha vocatam in comitatu de Posoga existentem eo iure quo tempore domine Marie socrus nostre pie memorie tenuerunt, eisdem secundum tenorem priuilegii ipsius domine Marie reliquimus perpetuo cum suis vtilitatibus et pertinenciis possidendam.  Mete autem ipsius terre prout in litteris patentibus Laurencii quondam comitis de Posoga uidimus contineri, hoc ordine distinguntur:  Prima meta incipit a parte occidentali iuxta aquam Oryoycha et ibi est meta terrea, inde ascendit ad montem ad tres arbores tulfa sub quibus est meta terrea et ibi est commetaneus ipsius Mylsa, hinc vadit ad orientem et peruenit ad viam et per eandem viam vadit ad partes meridionales ad tres arbores tulfa sub quibus est meta terrea, inde uero vadit per byrch et peruenit ad cherfa sub qua est meta terrea, ibi autem commetanei ipsius sunt populi domine regine de Komiricha scilicet a parte orientali, dehinc autem vadit ad pirum sub qua est meta terrea, inde vadit ad metam terream et ibi sunt commetanei ipsius populi domine regine de Gradpotok, inde uadit ad metam terream, que terrea meta scilicet diuidit terram Beluch a terra domine regine, ibi autem dicto Beluch erit commetaneus Petrus filius Cheley, deinde uadit ad metam terream que est iuxta vineam populorum domine regine, inde uadit superius vineam et peruenit ad metam terream, inde uero ascendit ad pirum sub qua est meta terrea, inde uero vadit ad arborem salicis que est in medio ville sub qua est meta terrea, inde uadit ad metam terream que est retro curiam Petri filii Chelley, deinde uadit ad metam terream que est iuxta vallem et per illam vallem uadit superius ad metam terream que est iuxta dictam vallem,  inde ascendit superius ad occidentem ad ecclesiam sancti Luce ewangeliste et sub cimiterio est meta terrea, inde uero ascendit ad septemtionem et peruenit ad pirum sub qua est meta terrea et ibi sunt commetanei sui populi domine regine de Oryoycha, inde vadit eciam ad pirum sub qua est meta terrea, deinde uadit ad gymulchynfa sub qua est meta terrea, inde uadit ad pirum sub qua est meta terrea, ibi autem sunt commetanei ipsius Otrochk et Sewa fratres scilicet, inde autem uertitur ad orientem et descendit ad vallem ad metam terream, deinde ascendit ad montem et peruenit ad arborem gyrteanfa sub qua est meta terrea, inde uero uadit ad arborem tulfa sub qua est meta terrea, deinde descendit ad puteum qui est pro meta et per aquam dicti putei cadit in aquam Oryoycha et ibi iuxta aquam Oryoycha est meta terrea et per dictam aquam Oryoycha vadit contra cursum aque et peruenit ad priorem metam et ibi mete teree sepedicti Beluch Oryoycha uocate terminantur, item piscinam Chernuch vocatam ad predictam terram Oryoycha pertinentem, sicut dicunt, eisdem sine preiudicio iuris alieni reliquimus supradicto modo possidendam. In cuius rei memoriam firmitatemque perpetuam presentes prefatis Otrochk Gregorio et filius Sewa concessimus litteras dupplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas.  Datum per manus magistri Gregorii aule nostre fidelis cancellarii, anno ab incarnacione domini millesimo ducentesimo septuagesimo quinto.

Historical context:

The queen confirms the possession of a certain land, Oryoycha, held from her mother-in-law queen Maria and spells out its boundaries in detail.

Printed source:

Codex diplomaticus regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae et Slavoniae, ed. T. Smiciklas (Zagreb, 1904-34), 6.139-40, #124.  





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