A letter from Henry, count of Troyes (1174)


Henry, count of Troyes


Marie of Champagne, duchess of Burgundy

Translated letter:

I Henry, count palatine of Troyes, make known to the present and future that I have assigned to Mary, my most beloved sister formerly duchess of Burgundy, 10 pounds in annual rents of Troyes from the money-changing table (mensa cambitoria), which is fixed first in the order of other tables before the house of Theobald de Foro towards the church of St. John. If it should happen that said table be removed or that 10 pounds cannot be paid to my sister from it, I order them to be paid completely from other exchange tables. Let them be paid to the prior of Foissy or his agent. From these 10 pounds she will receive 100 shillings in market tolls of St. Remy and 100 of St. John, and she will have these 10 pounds annually for her life. After her death they will remain ... of the church of Fontevrault for celebrating the anniversary of my sister. And that this may be held valid, I have confirmed it with the impression of my seal. Witness to this were: the countess my wife, lord Ansel of Triagnello, Robert of Milliac, William, marshal, Matthew his brother, Habran of Provins, Ertaud, chamberlain, and Peter of Langres. Enacted at Provins in the year of the incarnation of the Word 1174. Dated by the hand of William, chancellor, noted by William of Provins.

Original letter:

Ego, Henricus Trecensium comes palatinus notum facio presentibus et futuris, quod Marie, dilectissime sorori mee olim ducisse Burgundie, X lib. in annuis redditibus assignavi trecis in mensa cambitoria, que prima sita est in ordine mensarum aliarum ante domum Theobaldi de Foro versus ecclesiam Sancti Johannis. Quod si forte contigerit, quod mensa superdicta remota fuerit, vel exinde X jam dicte libre sorori mee reddi non potuerint, in aliis mensis cambitoriis eas ex integro reddi precipio. Reddentur autem priori de Foiseio vel mandato ipsius. De his X libris C solidos accipiet in nundinis S. Remigii et C solidos in nundinis S. Johannis, et has X libras annuatim habebit in vita sua. Post decessum autem ejus ecclesie Fontis Ebraldi ... remanebunt propter anniversarium ipsius sororis mee faciendum. Et hoc ut ratum teneatur, sigilli mei impressione firmavi. Affuerunt autem hujus rei testes: comitissa uxor mea, dominus Ansellus de Triagnello, Robertus de Pruvino, Ertaudus camerarius, et Petrus Lingonensis. Actum Pruvini anno incarnati Verbi MoCLXXoIIIIo. Datas per manum Guillelmi cancellarii, nota Guillelmi pruvinensis.

Historical context:

Henry assigns a yearly income to his sister who had been duchess of Burgundy.

Printed source:

Histoire des Ducs et des Comtes de Champagne, depuis le VIe s. jusqu'a la fin du XIe, H. D'Arbois de Jubainville (Paris: Aug. Aubry, 1861, v.3), document 144, p.464.





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