
At the Harriman Institute: An Overview of U.S.-Russia Relations

Udensiva-Brenner, Masha

“Let me say that it's nice to be home,” pronounced Mr. Ian C. Kelly, Department Spokesman and former Director of the Office of Russian Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, and an alumnus of Columbia University. “For me, the Harriman Institute was kind of a home away from home,” he expressed, recalling how he had written his Ph.D. dissertation in the basement of the library, coming up to the Institute whenever he wanted “a sense of community, and a place to unwind and have stimulating discussions.” Kelly discussed the relationship between Russia and the United States at a Harriman-sponsored lecture on September 29, 2009.

“I would like to break my remarks into three sections,” Kelly began. “Why it is that the Obama administration thinks that Russia matters; in what areas do we have good cooperation with Russia; and on what areas don't we agree?” Kelly stressed Russia's position as the largest country in the world, which, “sits on top of three regions vital to our interests: Europe, the Middle East, and Northeast Asia. Areas from which the Obama administration faces some of its biggest challenges,” he remarked.

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The Harriman Institute, Columbia University

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The Harriman Institute, Columbia University
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At the Harriman Institute
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January 7, 2021