2018 Conference Objects
Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks Web Archive
Geoscience field trip guidebooks are indexed by GeoRef/AGI and are an important source of local geologic information that is often not found elsewhere. More and more field trip guides are found online for a short duration, in and around the time the trip was hosted. In the past, field trip guides were published or offered in print and many libraries tried to collect, or purchase them as they became available. As many field trip guides are now solely available online, purchasing print copies is not always possible. Many online guidebooks are not archived elsewhere and once the conference or trip is over, are left to languish and are often at risk for being lost as people leave the institution that hosted the trip. The Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks Web Archive seeks to create a web archive that will preserve online geologic field trip guidebooks that are not archived online elsewhere. This online collection would be free and available for researchers and scholars to use, and would be made available through the Internet Archive (https://archive.org/). The first phase will be to archive the online guidebooks cataloged in the Geologic Guidebooks of North America Database (GGNAD) that are not already preserved elsewhere. The web archive would be a full text archive that would complement the GGNAD. This project is currently in development and has been funded through the Ivy Plus Web Collecting Program.
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- October 21, 2019
Poster at the GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018