
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 53, issue 1-2 (1999)

1. “Memory, Imagination, and Tradition: Diasporic Latino Spirituality” by Ana María Díaz-Stevens, 1
2. “And She Called His Name Seth (Gen. 4:25): The Birth of Critical Knowledge and the Unread End of Eve’s Story” by Brigitte Kahl, 19
3. “Reinhold Niebuhr, Wilhelm Pauck, and Paul Tillich: Public and Private” by Marion Hausner Pauck, 29
4. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Confession and Resistance” by Klemens von Klemperer, 47
5. “Rushing Judgement?: Willfulness and Martyrdom in Early Christianity” by Frederick W. Weidmann, 61
6. “The Radical Reformation and the Protestant Ethic: A Political Critique of Max Weber’s Sociology of Religion” by Jan Rehmann, 71
7. “Crucifixion, State Terror, and Sexual Abuse” by David Tombs, 89
8. “Ritual, Drama, and the Unconscious in the Eucharist: Contributions of Victor Turner to Depth Psychology and Religion” by Kathryn Wood Madden, 111
9. “Eros and the Living Whole: Schleiermacher and the Person-Forming Character of Liturgical Practices” by Kendra G. Hotz, 125

Book Reviews, 141
“Frederick W. Weidmann, Polycarp and John: The Harris Fragment and Their Challenge to the Literary Tradition” by Deirdre Good
“J. Louis Martyn, Galations: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary” by David J. Lull
“Richard Valentasis, The Gospel of Thomas” by Frederick W. Weidmann
“Robert W. Funk and the Jesus Seminar, The Acts of Jesus: The Search for the Authentic Deeds of Jesus” by Frederick W. Weidmann
“Samuel Terrien, The Iconography of Job through the Centuries: Artists as Biblical Interpreters” by M. Beth Szlos

BookNotes, 163
“D.W. Bercot, ed., A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs” by John McGuckin
“William McKane, The Book of Micah: Introduction and Commentary” by M. Beth Szlos

About the Contributors, 165


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Theological Seminary
Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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October 27, 2021