
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 46, issue 1-4 (1992)

Introduction, 1

Part One: Making Sense of Modernity
1. “Bonhoeffer and Modernity” by Wolfgang Huber, 5
2. “The End of History and the New World Order” by Steven Schroeder, 21
3. “A Post-Critical Approach to a ‘Religionless Christianity’” by Barry A. Harvey, 39
4. “Ecclesia Crucis: The Disciple Community and the Future of the Church in North America” by Douglas John Hall, 59

Part Two: Social Analysis and Liberation
5. “The Modern Nightmare: A Latin American Christian Indictment” by Otto A. Maduro, 77
6. “Bonhoeffer and Romero: Prophets of Justice for the Oppressed” by Geffrey B. Kelly, 85
7. “Ethics and Materialist Hermeneutics” by Stephen J. Plant, 107
8. “Bonhoeffer, Modernity and Liberation Theology” by Clifford Green, 117

Part Three: Refiguring Community
9. “Bonhoeffer’s Hermeneutical Model of Community” by Luca D’Isanto, 135
10. “The Cost of Forgiveness: Grace, Christian Community and the Politics of Worldly Discipleship” by L. Gregory Jones, 149
11. “Church and Nationhood: A Reflection on the ‘National Church’” by Vigen Guroian, 171
12. “The Exemplification of Decision in Dietrich Bonhoeffer” by Luca Bagetto, 197

Part Four: Postmodernist Perspectives
13. “Bonhoeffer and Deconstruction: Toward a Theology of the Crucified Logos” by Walter Lowe, 207
14. “Ethics and the Problem of Metaphysics” by Hans D. van Hoogstraten, 223
15. “Style and the Critique of Metaphysics: The Letter as Form in Bonhoeffer and Adorno” by Wayne Whitson Floyd, Jr., 239
16. “Authenticity and Encounter: Bonhoeffer’s Appropriation of Ontology” by Robert P. Scharlemann, 253

Part Five: Repentance and the Practice of Responsibility
17. “Freedom and Responsibility in a World Come of Age” by Jean Bethke Elshtain, 269
18. “Christian Witness in South Africa in a Time of Transition” by John W. de Gruchy, 283
19. “Bonhoeffer, the Churches and Jewish-Christian Relations” by Christian Gremmels, 295

About the Contributors, 307


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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