Theses Doctoral

Learning During a Digital Transformation in Communication Design: Faculty, Professional, and Student Views on Changing Pedagogical Practices

Scherling, Laura S.

Digital technologies have become fundamental to communication designers in their professional practice. The speed of technology change has been profound, and communication design educators, professionals, and students are challenged with reimagining what constitutes an education responsive to digital transformation. Attempts to address these changes have often been reactive, emphasizing digital skills requirements without always examining what practices best support design students as they prepare to pursue careers in various communication design-focused positions. The question of how educators can best prepare and support communication design students for what awaits them in the workplace is at the center of this study. Through mixed-methods research, including both survey analysis and in-depth semi-structured interviews (N=202), this dissertation attempts to answer that question by analyzing practices incorporated by communication design educators, professionals, and students.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Arts and Humanities
Thesis Advisors
Jochum, Richard
Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University
Published Here
July 29, 2020