
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 54, issue 3-4 (2000)

1. “Ancient Sexuality and Divine Eros: Rereading the Bible through the Lens of the Song of Songs” by David M. Carr, 1
2. “Vanishing into Limbo: The Peculiar Career of Aunt Jemima” by Emilie M. Townes, 19
3. “An Argument against the Denial of the Eucharist to the Unworthy in John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion” by Stephen Butler Murray, 33
4. “Black Presbyterian Clergy and the Schism of 1837” by Moses N. Moore, Jr., 53
5. “Moral Formation in Mainline Protestantism: A History of the Union School of Religion” by Jane E. Hicks, 85
6. “Is Eco-Justice Central to Christian Faith?” by Larry L. Rasmussen, 107

Book Reviews, 125
“H. Paul Santmire. Nature Reborn: The Ecological and Cosmic Promise of Christian Theology” by Larry Rasmussen
“Stephen L. Cook and S.C. Winter, editors. On the Way to Nineveh: Studies in Honor of George M. Landes” by M. Beth Szlos
“Ilona N. Rashkov. Taboo or Not Taboo: Sexuality and Family in the Hebrew Bible” by David Carr
“Elsa Tamez. When the Horizons Close: Rereading Ecclesiastes” by Peter Frick

About the Contributors, 137


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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October 27, 2021