Data (Information)

Data: Summertime Transport Pathways and Dynamics from Northern India to the Lower Stratosphere: Insights from Idealized Tracer Experiments, version 1

Wu, Yutian

NOTE: The initial version of this data has been superseded by the subsequent version, "Summertime Transport Pathways and Dynamics from Northern India to the Lower Stratosphere: Insights from Idealized Tracer Experiments, version 2", now available here:

We use the idealized tracer experiments and investigate the summertime transport from the surface region of northern India and the southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau to the lower stratosphere. It's found that the transport, compared to other surrounding regions, has an overall younger modal age in the northern lower stratosphere away from the tropopause. Analysis of the tracer budget reveals that the tracer is transported to the tropical lower stratosphere rapidly in the first 5 days due to vertical eddy transport and afterwards in a month or two advection associated with the Brewer-Dobson circulation. Meanwhile the tracer is also transported to the northern extratropical lower stratosphere in the first three months due to horizontal eddy mixing. The results highlight the uniqueness of the northern India region in the summertime transport to the lower stratosphere and implications for the transport of short-lived chemical species in the destruction of stratospheric ozone.

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Academic Units
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Ocean and Climate Physics
Published Here
December 17, 2021