Data (Information)

Patient-Specific Parametric Models of the Gravid Uterus and Cervix from 2D Ultrasound: Models

Louwagie, Erin Marie; Carlson, Lindsey; Over, Veronica Helen Marquez; Mao, Lu; Fang, Shuyang; Westervelt, Andrea Rae; Vink, Joy-Sarah Yumiko; Hall, Timothy M.; Feltovich, Helen; Myers, Kristin M.

This file contains solid models of human uteri and cervices built using patient-specific measurements from an ultrasonic longitudinal study of maternal anatomy. The anatomical measurements were taken by 3 trained sonographers from 2D ultrasounds of the uterus in the sagittal and axial view and the cervix in the sagittal view. Measurements were collected at 4 gestational ages (8-13, 14-16, 22-24, and 32-34 weeks) from 29 patients who delivered at term in the supine and standing positions. The models were built using Solidworks 2018-19 (Dassault Systemes, Vélizy-Villacoublay, France).

The Model Data folder is organized by patient and contains .stl files corresponding to patient, visit, position, and sonographer. Each file is the resulting solid model of the uterus and cervix from the dimension measurements – see manuscript for methods. The name of the file indicates the patient number, the visit, the position, and the sonographer. For example, p24v3supine_s1 corresponds to patient 24’s third visit, when scanned in the supine position, with measurements taken by sonographer 1. For models that failed to build, a .txt file is included with reason for failure – see manuscript for a description of failure modes.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Mechanical Engineering
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Published Here
October 13, 2020


The data in this file correspond to the manuscript entitled “Longitudinal ultrasonic dimensions and parametric solid models of the gravid uterus and cervix”, to be published in PLOS ONE. The manuscript is co-authored by Erin Louwagie (Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University), Lindsey Carlson (Maternal Fetal Medicine, Intermountain Healthcare), Veronica Over (Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University), Lu Mao (Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, University of Wisconsin – Madison), Shuyang Fang (Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University), Andrea Westervelt (Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University), Joy Vink (Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center), Timothy Hall (Medical Physis, University of Wisconsin – Madison), Helen Feltovich (Maternal Fetal Medicine, Intermountain Healthcare), and Kristin Myers (Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University).