
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 54, issue 1-2 (2000)

1. “Recollection and Anticipation: The Heritage and the Hope of Theological Education at Union Theological Seminary in New York Inaugural Address, April 6, 2000” by Joseph C. Hough, Jr., 1
2. “Vision for a New Church and a New Century: Part I: Homework Against Scarcity” by Walter Brueggemann, 21
3. “Response to Walter Brueggemann, “Homework Against Scarcity”” by Alan Cooper, 41
4. “Vision for a New Church and a New Century: Part II: Holiness Become Generosity” by Walter Brueggemann, 45
5. “Response to Walter Brueggemann, “Holiness Become Generosity”” by Frederick W. Weidmann, 65
6. “American Christianity: Its Rich Past—Its Poor History” by Michael W. Harris, 71
7. “Bishop Edmund Gibson as Author of the Letter on “Negro Baptism” in Bonhoeffer’s America Report of 1939 (Including Documentation of the Letter of 1727)” by Ernst Feil, 87
8. “A Portrait of Power: A Literary-critical Study of the Depiction of the Woman in Proverbs 31:10-31” by M. Beth Szlos, 97

Book Reviews, 105
“Ann Belford Ulanov. Religion and the Spiritual in Carl Jung.” by Kathryn Wood Madden
“Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Fiction from Tegel Prison.” by Klemens von Klemperer
“Susanne Scholz. Rape Plots: A Feminist Cultural Study of Genesis 34.” by David Carr
“Suzanne Selinger. Charlotte von Kirschbaum and Karl Barth: A Study in Biography and The History of Theology.” by Stephen Butler Murray
“Dwight N. Hopkins, ed. Black Faith and Public Talk: Critical Essays on James H. Cone’s Black Theology & Black Power.” by Gabriella Lettini
“Janet Walton. Feminist Liturgy: A Matter of Justice.” by Troy Messenger

About the Contributors, 119


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