Presentations (Communicative Events)

SERVIR West Africa Training Program on Data Stewardship and the CoreTrustSeal Requirements: Session 1

Downs, Robert R.

Data stewardship activities enable continuing use of data products and services to create new knowledge and contribute to planning and policy development, education and learning outcomes, and research. Data stewardship efforts create capabilities that enable data reuse and include data management, curation, and preservation. The international research data management community has established instruments, such as the CoreTrustSeal requirements, to guide the development, operation, assessment, and certification of digital repositories as trustworthy stewards of data. The CoreTrustSeal requirements provide metrics that are utilized by data repositories, worldwide to improve their data stewardship infrastructure and processes and to continually assess their data curation capabilities.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Center for International Earth Science Information Network
Published Here
May 28, 2021


Downs, RR. 2021. SERVIR West Africa Training Program on Data Stewardship and the CoreTrustSeal Requirements: Session 1 [online workshop]. May 5, 2021. CIESIN, Columbia University.

The 2021 SERVIR West Africa Training Program on Data Stewardship and the CoreTrustSeal Requirements was coordinated by AFRIGIST with instruction provided by CIESIN. The videos are available online on the NASA SEDAC YouTube Channel: