
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 2, issue 2 (1947)

"Trading Between America and Europe" by Hans Henry Brunner, 3

"The Philosophic Enterprise" by W. Gordon Ross, 7

"Reiigious Liberty in Italy, 1946" by Howard Yergin, 11

"The School of Sacred Music" by Hugh Porter, 16

A Survey of Recent Theological Literature
"Christian Worship" by Cyril C. Richardson, 20
"Christian Ethics" by Paul Abrecht, 25

The Seminary and Alumni, 27

Book Reviews, 34
John. C. Schroeder, Henry P. Van Dusen, Howard J. B. Ziegler, C. Eugene Stollings, John T McNeill, Arthur J. Dibden, Edmond Cherbonnier, Susan Gibson, John Dillenberger, Edward L. Long

Contributors and Reviewers, 19


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Theological Seminary
Union Theological Seminary
Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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October 27, 2021