
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 17, issue 4 (1962)


"What I believe it means to be saved" by James Muilenburg, 291

"What I believe about the activity of the Holy Spirit" by John Knox, 294; by Robert T. Handy, 297

"What I believe about the way God answers prayer" by Edmund A. Steimle, 301; by Wilhelm Pauck, 308

"What I believe about life after death" by Roger L. Shinn, 311; by Daniel D. Williams, 315

"Religionless Christianity" by Douglas Stewart, 321

"Two Books by Berger: An Assembly of Solemn Noises" by Robert McAfee Brown, 333

"Verse: The Market Place" by Christopher M. Brookfield, 332

"Book Reviews," 345
Charles P. Anderson, John W. Bachman, M. Searle Bates, John Benson, Robert McAfee Brown, Graeme M. Bruce, Henry Clark, Eugene Combs, W. Richard Comstock, Tom F. Driver, Jack C. Greenawalt, Robert T. Handy, E. Harris Harbison, Gordon Harland, R. L. Horn, Jared J. Jackson, Clive Franklin Jacks, Jr., Hayden McCallum, Robert J. McCracken, J. A. Martin, Jr., Louis Martyn, John W. Meister, C. Ellis Nelson, Reinhold Niebuhr, Oscar Remick, James M. Robinson, Farley W. Snell, Edmund A. Steimle, C. R. Stinnette, Jr., Richard Tholin, James F. White, C. Ernest Wright

"Index, Volume XVII," 415


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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