
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 18, issue 3, pt. 1 (1963)

"God and His Creation" by Claus Westermann, 197

"Bultmann and the Local Church" by Gustav C. Nelson, 211

"A Protestant Looks at Religious Liberty" by Roger Shinn, 223

"Hymns and Music in Church Worship" by Erik Routley, 235

"Readers' Responses: Further Fascination of the Ontological Argument," 243

"Book Reviews," 257
Charles P. Anderson, Dale R. Bowne, David Daube, Langdon Gilkey, Robert T. Handy, James Livingston, John Macquarrie, J. Louis Martyn, Paul B. Maves, John O. Mellin, N. V. Peale, H. Shelton Smith, Douglas V. Steere, Edmund A. Steinle, R. N. Weinman, John L. Young


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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