Presentations (Communicative Events)

Bringing Everyone to the Table--Collaborative Ontology Development

Wacker, Melanie

Metadata work thrives when it takes place in a collaborative context. Collaboration has increasingly been a part of bibliographic description, the description of digitized resources, digital humanities, ontology creation, and more. This presentations focuses on the work of the ArtFrame Group that resulted in the development of the ARM Ontology, a BIBFRAME ontology extension. This work was a collaboration between different community partners including Art Libraries Society of North America, Library of Congress and several libraries and museums.


  • thumnail for Collaborative Ontology Development_ALA_Midiwnter_2020.pdf Collaborative Ontology Development_ALA_Midiwnter_2020.pdf application/pdf 1.2 MB Download File

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Academic Units
Published Here
February 14, 2020