
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 1, issue 1 (1945)

A Greeting from President Van Dusen, 3

"What is Christian Worship?" by Henry Sloane Coffin, 4

"The Old Testament and the Christian Minister" by James Muilenberg, 10

"The Failure of Protestant Worship" by Roger L. Shinn, 19

"Some Theological Implications of Mental Illness" by Homer Jernigan, 24

A Survey of Recent Theological Literature
"The Old Testament" by S. L. Terrien, 27
"The New Testament" by Frederick C. Grant, 29
"Church History" by John T. McNeill, 31
"Christian Ethics" by John C. Bennett, 32

News of the Seminary and Alumni, 34

Book Reviews, 39
W. Norman Pittenger, Angus Dun, Nathan A. Scott, Jr., Paul B. Irwin, Reinhold Niebuhr, James W. Hyde, Robert G. Metters

Contributors, 18

Reviewers, 47


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Theological Seminary
Union Theological Seminary
Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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October 27, 2021