
FISH analysis in addition to G-band karyotyping: Utility in evaluation of myelodysplastic syndromes?

Yang, Wendy; Stotler, Brie; Sevilla, Deborah W.; Emmons, Foxwell N.; Vundavalli, Murty V.; Alobeid, Bachir; Bhagat, Govind

Cytogenetic analysis provides important diagnostic and prognostic information for patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Prior studies, mostly comprised of small sample sizes, have reported conflicting results while evaluating the usefulness of FISH in addition to G-band karyotyping in MDS. In the current study, the utility of performing a tailored FISH panel, in addition to G-band karyotyping was evaluated in a series of 110 MDS patients diagnosed at our institute. Using our FISH panel, clonal cytogenetic abnormalities were detected in 3/8 (38%) of MDS cases with karyotype failure and in 5/54 (9%) cases with normal G-band karyotypes, all the latter had intermediate or high grade MDS. Of the cases with abnormal G-band karyotypes, 6/48 (13%) showed discrepancies between FISH and G-band results, however, FISH analysis only lead to reassignment of karyotypic abnormalities to different chromosomes, MDS cytogenetic risk stratification was not altered. Our findings suggest that FISH testing is informative only in MDS cases with karyotype failure and intermediate-high grade MDS cases with normal G-band karyotype and has limited utility in cases that have normal G-band karyotypes and morphologic features of low grade MDS or in cases with abnormal G-band karyotypes.


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Leukemia Research

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Pathology and Cell Biology
Published Here
December 3, 2019