
Reflections on Breaking Rules

Fanselow, John

In 2014, Andrzej Cirocki, the Editor in Chief of The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, invited Alan Maley to edit a special issue of the journal devoted to the theme of TESOL Teacher Education and Development. In Volume 3, Number 2, Alan wrote this in his Introduction to the Special Issue:
The . . . three articles [on teacher preparation] by John F. Fanselow, Jim Scrivener and Adrian Underhill, all address different aspects of the key importance of the classroom act of intervention by teachers in the learning process. Though not identical, their views are highly congruent in their approach to the realities of what learning might be like in actual classrooms. John F. Fanselow returns to his seminal book, Breaking Rules, and re-examines his work in the light of subsequent experience and reflection. His exploration of the way small changes may have disproportionately large effects and the need to observe what actually happens at the micro-level in the classroom encounter is unfailingly challenging, and at times provocative He provides copious examples, and an extended discussion of work with three student teachers.


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Also Published In

The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL

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