
The Business and Human Rights Arbitration Rule Project: Falling Short of its Access to Justice Objectives

Sachs, Lisa E.; Johnson, Lise; Cordes, Kaitlin Y.; Coleman, Jesse; Guven, Brooke S.

The Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration, initiated by the Business and Human Rights Arbitration Working Group, aims to create an international private judicial dispute resolution avenue available to parties involved in business and human rights issues, thereby helping to address the significant remedy gap faced by victims of business-related abuses. With the perspective that “international arbitration holds great promise as a method to be used to resolve human rights disputes involving business,” the Drafting Team released, in November 2018, an Elements Paper on Business and Human Rights Arbitration, as well as, in June 2019, Draft Arbitration Rules on Business and Human Rights. Following the release of the Draft Rules, CCSI published this Briefing Note, "The Business and Human Rights Arbitration Rule Project: Falling Short of its Access to Justice Objectives.


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November 10, 2020