
Chronic myeloid leukemia and HIV-infection

Schlaberg, Robert; Fisher, Julie G.; Flamm, Michael J.; Vundavalli, Murty V.; Bhagat, Govind; Alobeid, Bachir

The incidence of non-HIV-associated hematologic malignancies, including chronic myeloproliferative disorders, is increasing in HIV-infected (HIVþ) patients. This is thought to be due to prolonged survival in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Previously, only six cases of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) have been described in HIVþ individuals and limited information is available regarding the management of patients with concurrent CML and HIV- infection. We report three cases of CML in HIVþ patients who were treated with imatinib and HAART. Treatment was generally well tolerated, and cytogenetic response (complete in two patients) was achieved with follow-up ranging from 3 to 69 months. HIV viral load remained undetectable and CD4 cell counts were stable in all three patients. Concurrent treatment with imatinib and HAART can result in appropriate control of CML and HIV-infection as well as long-term survival.


  • thumnail for Schlaberg R et al HIV Leu Lymph 2008.pdf Schlaberg R et al HIV Leu Lymph 2008.pdf application/pdf 518 KB Download File

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Leukemia & Lymphoma

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Academic Units
Pathology and Cell Biology
Published Here
November 21, 2019