
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 48, issue 3-4 (1994)

“Introduction” by Vincent L. Wimbush, Guest Editor, 1

Part One: Essays, 5
1. “Henpecked Husbands and Renouncers Home on the Range: Celibacy as Social Disengagement in South Asian Buddhism” by Elizabeth Wilson, 7
2. “Hunger Artists and Householders: The Tension between Asceticism and Family Responsibility among Jewish Pietists in Late Antiquity” by Eliezer Diamond, 29
3. “The Feminine Man in Late Antique Ascetic Piety” by Nonna Verna Harrison, 49
4. “Gendered Politics in Ancient Indian Asceticism” by Serinity Young, 73
5. “Women and Asceticism in the Japanese Religious Tradition” by Paul B. Watt, 93
6. “Pneumatism and Celibacy in Corinth in Light of History of Religious Parallels” by Judith M. Gundry-Volf, 105

Part Two: Dialogue, 127
7. “Practices and Meanings of Asceticism in Contemporary Religious Life and Culture: A Panel Discussion” 129

Part Three: Book Reviews, 153
“Burton L. Mack, The Lost Gospel” by Scroggs
“Elizabeth Clark, The Origenist Controvery” by Burrus
“Patrick, Olivelle, Āśrama” by Lubin
“Steven Heine, Dōgen and the Kōan Tradition” by Love
“Geoffrey Galt Harpham, The Ascetic Imperative in Culture and Criticism” by Dell’Olio
“Peter Van Ness, Spirituality, Diversion, and Decadence” by Raposa
“Ewart H. Cousins, Christ of the Twenty-First Century” by Cornelison

About the Contributors, 183


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