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Μεταφράζοντας την μεταγλωσσικότητα στη λογοτεχνία της μετανάστευσης: Θανάσης Βαλτινός και Σωτήρης Δημητρίου

Van Dyck, Karen

Increasingly literature asks how to translate the foreign accents and multilingual idioms of the migrant. Two Greek fictional works – one about Greeks in the United States, the other about Greek Albanians in Greece – address this question by developing translingual practices that are themselves translational. Using creoles that blend languages through transliteration and homophony, these works imagine translation solutions that challenge the hegemony of standardized national languages. How might attention to translational poetics in the source text enable translators to be more experimental? How might comparative studies of translingualism in literature and literary translation offer new categories for understanding migration?

Keywords: migration, translation, translingualism, transliteration, homophony

Alternative forms of the author Van Dyck's name: Κάρεν Βαν Ντάυκ, Κάρεν Βαν Ντάικ

Transliterated title: Metafrazontas ti metaglossikotita sti logotehnia tis metanastefsis Thanasis Valtinos kai Sotiris Dimitriou


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La letteratura neogreca del XX secolo: Un caso europeo
Sapienza Università Editrice

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May 17, 2021