2018 Articles
Predicting organizational readiness to implement HIV prevention with couples using practitioners’ intentions: testing a heuristic
Couple-based interventions may play a key role in ending the AIDS epidemic. Progress has been made in demonstrating successful implementation of both manual-based and web-based modalities of couple-based HIV prevention in clinical trials. To ensure real world implementation, however, we need a better understanding of how best to prepare organizations to support such interventions. We sought to examine which domains of staff-reported organizational readiness predicted providers’ intention to deliver a couple-based HIV-prevention intervention. Organizational readiness was assessed at baseline from 253 facilitators enrolled in a randomized clinical trial testing dissemination and implementation of a couple-based HIV prevention program (2007–2012). Consistent with current organizational-readiness theory, we measured general capacities; capacities specific to a couple-based intervention; and staff motivation to implement the intervention. We used multilevel regression models to examine the influence of these capacities on intention to implement at 6-, 12-, and 18-month follow-up, adjusting for staff age, education, role, years of service, and randomized condition. Higher perceived organizational resources (B = 0.126, p = .028) and better staff motivation (B = 0.510, p = .009) were significant predictors of increased intention to facilitate Connect. Higher organizational resource availability and stronger motivation to facilitate the intervention are key domains that could inform administrator and staff training to strengthen readiness for couple-based programs. However, further research is needed to clarify the role of these domains regarding actual implementation.
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Also Published In
- Title
- Translational Behavioral Medicine
- https://doi.org/10.1093/tbm/iby121
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- Social Work
- Published Here
- November 29, 2021