
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 47, issue 3-4 (1993)

Introduction, 1

Part One: Ideology, 5
1. “The “Clue” to Religious Education” by Sara Little, 7
2. “Can Theological Education Be Church Education” by Dwayne Huebner, 23
3. “Justice Education: Moving Beyond Wordy Concern” by Suzanne C. Toton, 39
4. “Critical Insight: Enhancing Experiential Knowledge in Theological Education” by Susan E. Davies, 53

Part Two: Narrative, 71
5. “Narratives and the Program in Religion and Education” by Joseph Lukinsky, 73
6. “The Teacher as Reformer: Sarah Osborn, 1714-1796” by Sheryl Kujawa, 89
7. “John Wesley Edward Brown, Sr.: Theodicy of an African-American Theological Educator, 1887-1915” by James M. Washington, 101

Part Three: Consciousness, 137
8. “Religious Education in the Evolution of Consciousness” by Douglas Sloan, 139
9. “Socialization Revisited” by C. Ellis Nelson, 161
10. “Learning to Stand with Others Through Compassionate Solidarity” by Kathleen Talvacchia, 177
11. “The Catholic University: Reflections on Its Tasks” by Paulo Freire, 197

Afterword, 203
“Reading, Writing, and Restless: A Religious Educator in Theological Education” by William Bean Kennedy, 205

Bibliography of William Bean Kennedy, 221

About the Contributors, 229


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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October 27, 2021