Data (Information)

Patient-Specific Parametric Models of the Gravid Uterus and Cervix from 2D Ultrasound: MRI Solid Models

Fang, Shuyang; Louwagie, Erin Marie; Carlson, Lindsey; Over, Veronica Helen Marquez; Mao, Lu; Westervelt, Andrea Rae; Vink, Joy-Sarah Yumiko; Hall, Timothy M.; Feltovich, Helen; Myers, Kristin M.

This file contains five solid models of human uteri and cervices derived from MRI images. MRI image stacks were obtained for pregnant women at term (38-39 weeks gestation) scheduled for a cesarean delivery (Joyce et al., Placenta, 2016. doi: 10.1016/J.PLACENTA.2015.12.011). The MRI image stacks were segmented, interpolated, and smoothed to produce high-fidelity patient-specific solid models of reproductive anatomy. A parametric patient-specific modeling workflow was verified using these high-fidelity solid models.

The MRI Model folder contains .stl files of solid models of the pregnant uterus and cervix, one for each patient. The manuscript can be referenced for how the solid models were derived from the MRI image stacks.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Mechanical Engineering
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Published Here
December 11, 2020


The data in this file correspond to the manuscript entitled “Longitudinal ultrasonic dimensions and parametric solid models of the gravid uterus and cervix”, to be published in PLOS ONE. The manuscript is co-authored by Erin Louwagie (Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University), Lindsey Carlson (Maternal Fetal Medicine, Intermountain Healthcare), Veronica Over (Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University), Lu Mao (Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, University of Wisconsin – Madison), Shuyang Fang (Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University), Andrea Westervelt (Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University), Joy Vink (Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center), Timothy Hall (Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin – Madison), Helen Feltovich (Maternal Fetal Medicine, Intermountain Healthcare), and Kristin Myers (Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University).