
Access to early care and education for children in immigrant families: Research-to-policy resources

Stephens, Samuel A.

This Research-to-Policy Resource List focuses on resources in the Research Connections collection published in 2010 or later that focus on access to early care and education for children in immigrant families. The resources on this list are organized into the following categories: research reviews, research based on large-scale national datasets, and research based on smaller-scale, in-depth, and/or localized (state- or community-level) studies. These resources provide information on immigrant status as a factor in access to early care and education, on the benefits that early education experiences offer children in immigrant families, as well as on barriers to access and strategies to address those barriers.


More About This Work

Academic Units
National Center for Children in Poverty
Child Care & Early Education Research Connections
Child Care & Early Education Research Connections
Published Here
May 13, 2019