2019 Bibliographies
Research Connections research and policy library
Child Care and Early Education Research Connections promoted high quality research in child care and early education and the use of that research in policy making. It was funded from 2004-2018 by a series of grants from the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, and the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the Institute for Social Research, the University of Michigan. Through its website, Research Connections offered research and data resources for researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and others. A large part of the work of Research Connections consisted of building a 30,000+ library of research and policy resources. Resources in the Research Connections research and policy library cover a broad spectrum of research and policies on child care and early education and related policies. The library brings together original research, syntheses, policy briefs, compilations of statistical information, instruments, and other research-related resources from the wide range of social science disciplines and professional fields that study early care and education. Resources in the collection examine the child care and early education experiences of children birth through age eight and -- when addressing school-age child care -- through age 13. To keep the collection up-to-date, Research Connections routinely searched several hundred journals and more than a thousand websites. Research Connections systematically searched for all new literature since 1995 through September 2018. This Excel spreadsheet includes the bibliographic information on each of the 30,000+ resources in the Research Connections research and policy library. On the Research and Policy Library tab you will find basic bibliographic information, including the title, author, publisher, journal, publication date, and funder. Also included in each record are an abstract, subject terms, related resources such as instruments, and where available, a URL for the full publication. You can search, sort, and filter this spreadsheet using the tools available in Excel. The Definitions and Notes tab offers information on the fields in the research and policy library.
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More About This Work
- Academic Units
- National Center for Children in Poverty
- Publisher
- Child Care & Early Education Research Connections
- Series
- Child Care & Early Education Research Connections
- Published Here
- May 13, 2019