
Disabling Resting Tremors Induced by the Short-term Infusion of Valproate: A Reversible Phenomenon

Gupta, Ashutosh; Kushwaha, Suman

Background: Drug-induced tremors after long-term administration of anti-epileptics have been described in the literature. Such tremors are usually postural or action in nature with infrequent resting nature.

Case Report: A 23-year-old female presented in status epilepticus. Past and family histories were negative for seizures. She was managed per protocol with valproate. Within hours, she developed resting tremors. The tremors subsided on changing the anti-epileptic.

Discussion: Resting tremors have mostly been described in the literature as long-term side-effects of valproate. This case illustrates that even short-term infusion of valproate can cause resting tremors.


Also Published In

Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements

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Academic Units
Center for Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders
Published Here
February 19, 2019