
Reimagining in Order to Reimage God: A Depth Psychological Look at the Book of Job in Relation to the Deuteronomistic History and Its Application for Today

Houck-Loomis, Tiffany

Meeting Ann Ulanov in 2009 forever changed the course of my path. Though, another way of seeing it might be that my path was headed toward this particular course and toward meeting Dr. Ulanov as a mentor and guide who would help me discern that which was already discerning itself within. This is the mystery to which I have learned to respond and be curious about from the years of working with and learning from Dr. Ulanov. In particular she has helped me discern the mercurial path toward holding the tension between the two disparate and diverse fields of Hebrew Bible and Depth Psychology. She continually encourages not to dismiss one or the other, a temptation given the demands of each field and the very different aspects of the Self each field calls upon to wrestle with, engage, and work through. What follows is an example of the kind of work her mentorship has inspired over the years. Using the rich imagery of food Ulanov always encourages to seek out the intellectual protein for good nutrition and she herself delights in eating a rainbow of color for dinner. In light of her mentorship I have sought to engage that which is both personally sustaining and nutritious through its protein and vibrant colors and trust that, in turn, it is has meaning for others along the journey.


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Theological Seminary
Union Theological Seminary
Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Published Here
June 23, 2021