
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 58, issue 1-2 (2004)

“Guest Editors’ Introduction” by Daniel Spencer and James Martin-Schramm, 1

1. “Scripture and Ethics: Canon and Community” by Allen Verhey, 13
2. “A Concrete Ethic of the Cross: Interpreting Bonhoeffer’s Significance in North America’s Backyard” by John W. de Gruchy, 33
3. “Rasmussen on Niebhuhr on Power: Reflections from the Edge of Empire” by Douglas John Hall, 46
4. “Community as Moral Matrix: Some Reflections on Larry Rasmussen’s Ethics” by Elizabeth M. Bounds, 66
5. “Moral Community: Reflections on Ecclesiology and Ethics, Notes from a Common Journey” by Martin Robra, 83
6. “The Integrity of Creation and Earth Community: An Ecumenical Response to Environmental Racism” by Arun Gnandason, 97
7. “To Love Earth Fiercely” by Nancie Erhard, 120
8. “Christian Ethics Toward Earth-Honoring Faiths” by Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, 132
9. “Once Around the Block: Reflections on Teaching with Larry” by Aana Marie Vigen with Jennifer Harvey, 151

“In Gratitude for Larry Rasmussen” by Renate Bethge, 165
“Mediating and Deepening Union’s Legacy” by Beverly Wildung Harrison, 169
“Tribute to a Favorite Minnesotan” by Donald W. Shriver, 178
“On Penguins and the South Bronx” by Emilie M. Townes, 183

Response to Contributors
““The Singing Was Excellent!”” by Larry L. Rasmussen, 187

Book Reviews
“Timothy Matovina and Gary Riebe-Estrella, SVD Horizons of the Sacred: Mexican Traditions in U.S. Catholicism” by Ana María Díaz-Stevens, 203
“Bruce Ellis Benson, Graven Ideologies: Nietzsche, Derrida and Marion on Modern Idolatry” by Carl A. Raschke, 206
“Victor Kestenbaum, The Grace and the Severity of the Ideal: John Dewey and the Transcendent” by D. Sieple, 211
“Ivone Gebara, Out of Depths: Women’s Experience of Evil and Salvation” by Claudio Carvalhaes, 216

About the Contributors, 219


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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