Theses Doctoral

Elliptic stable envelopes and 3d mirror symmetry

Kononov, Iakov

In this thesis we discuss various classical problems in enumerative geometry. We are focused on ideas and methods which can be used explicitly for practical computations. Our approach is based on studying the limits of elliptic stable envelopes with shifted equivariant or Kahler variables from elliptic cohomology to K-theory.

We prove that for a variety X we can obtain K-theoretic stable envelopes for the variety of the G-fixed points of X, where G is a cyclic group acting on X preserving the symplectic form.

We formalize the notion of symplectic duality, also known as 3-dimensional mirror symmetry. We obtain a factorization theorem about the limit of elliptic stable envelopes to a wall, which generalizes the result of M. Aganagic and A. Okounkov. This approach allows us to extend the action of quantum groups, quantum Weyl groups, R-matrices etc., to actions on the K-theory of the symplectic dual variety. In the case of X = Hilb, our results imply the conjectures of E. Gorsky and A. Negut.

We propose a new approach to K-theoretic quantum difference equations.


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Academic Units
Thesis Advisors
Okounkov, Andrei
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
April 20, 2021