
Childhood Domestic Violence Trauma-Impact and Coping Strategies at a Later Stage in Life: a Qualitative Exploration

Quiñones, Ana

Studies indicate that over 8.3 million children in the United States are exposed to domestic violence trauma, and results have indicated that exposure to this trauma can have serious developmental effects. This study includes qualitative data collection on six participants who have overcome childhood domestic violence trauma (CDVT). Each participant was interviewed, and successful coping strategies were identified in the process. Using Grounded Theory, which interprets the data into collective themes, coping strategies were put into categories and subcategories. After the strategies were organized, the results provided a structured framework for different coping alternatives that could be useful to practitioners who are working with people experiencing or recovering from CDVT in their lives. These results should be adhered to in curriculum-based practice, and can be used as a framework for macro, mezzo or micro application. Implications of this study include greater knowledge base for child welfare workers, along with the opportunity for new interventions in working with children struggling with CDVT. Furthermore, identification of these interventions can serve to reduce long-term effects of CDVT on children.

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Columbia Social Work Review

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Academic Units
Social Work
Published Here
February 20, 2019