
Preface: Multiscale Computational Analysis of Complex Materials

Mishnaevsky Jr., Leon; Linder, Christian; Sun, WaiChing

Complex materials play an essential role in many applications, ranging from turbine blades, car chassis, computer and cell phone cases, battery systems, stretchable and wearable electronics, to biomedical applications. Those materials often operate and must maintain their high performance in harsh environments. The advancement of computational methods at multiple scales opens new possibilities for the design of such complex materials and the optimization of their intrinsic properties under extreme events. The bridging of different length and time scales though still represents an area of active research with many unresolved challenges. For example, material degradation is considered as a typical multiscale process, controlled by nanoscale defects, highly affecting the macroscopic material response. In order to discuss the methods of modelling of multiphysics aspects of complex materials behaviour, the International Symposium on Multiscale Computational Analysis of Complex Materials was organized at 29-31. August 2017, at the Technical University of Denmark/DTU, Copenhagen. The Symposium Topics included Multiscale multiphysics modeling of materials, computational materials science, micromechanics of materials, scale bridging and homogenization, materials under extreme environments, hierarchical, biological and natural materials, nanomaterials. Several selected papers from this symposium are presented in this issue of the journal.


Also Published In

International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering

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Academic Units
Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Published Here
March 31, 2021