Theses Doctoral

Three Essays on Modeling Information Around Monetary Policy

Saia, Joseph

This dissertation revolves around robustly measuring and using the information sets of the centralbank and financial markets in order to measure exogenous monetary policy. Modern central banks aggressively use all the available information at their disposal to effectively set monetary policy. This problem of “foresight” renders traditional time series methods ineffective; the information edge of central banks is too large. In the first chapter, I discuss refinements to existing narrative methods, which attempt to the central bank’s own forecasts to capture the information set of the central bank, thus removing their information edge over the econometrician.

In the second chapter, I explore how the information sets of financial agents differ central banks and show that there is little direct information transfer between central banks and financial markets around monetary policy actions. Finally, the third chapter details how to use the information sets of financial sector actors to estimate exogenous monetary policy actions that is robust to financial sector revisions about the economy which can be due to the monetary policy actions.


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Academic Units
Thesis Advisors
Gomez, Matthieu
Gouin-Bonenfant, Emilien
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
November 24, 2021