
Tropical cyclone activity affected by volcanically induced ITCZ shifts

Pausata, Francesco S. R.; Camargo, Suzana J.

Volcanic eruptions can inject a large amount of aerosol particles, which interact with solar radiation and consequently can affect the climate worldwide, hence the intensity and frequency of extreme events for a few years following the eruption. However, only a handful of studies have investigated the impacts of volcanic eruptions on tropical cyclone activity. Through a set of sensitivity modeling experiments, our study demonstrates that volcanic eruptions by shifting the Intertropical convergence zone can impact tropical cyclone activity up to 4 years following the eruption. These results will prove valuable to society, allowing us to better prepare for the consequences of changes in tropical cyclone activity following large volcanic eruptions.


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Also Published In

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

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Academic Units
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Ocean and Climate Physics
Published Here
January 8, 2020