2019 Articles
A configurational force for adaptive re-meshing of gradient-enhanced poromechanics problems with history-dependent variables
We introduce a mesh-adaption framework that employs a multi-physical configurational force and Lie algebra to capture multiphysical responses of fluid-infiltrating geological materials while maintaining the efficiency of the computational models. To resolve sharp gradients of both displacement and pore pressure, we introduce an energy-estimate-free re-meshing criterion by extending the configurational force theory to consider the energy dissipation due to the fluid diffusion and the gradient-dependent plastic flow. To establish new equilibria after remeshing, the local tensorial history-dependent variables at the integration points are first decomposed into spectral forms. Then, the principal values and directions are projected onto smooth fields interpolated by the basis function of the finite element space via the Lie-algebra mapping. Our numerical results indicate that this Lie algebra operator in general leads to a new trial state closer to the equilibrium than the ones obtained from the tensor component mapping approach. A new configurational force for dissipative fluid-infiltrating porous materials that exhibit gradient-dependent plastic flow is introduced such that the remeshing may accommodate the need to resolve the sharp pressure gradient as well as the strain localization. The predicted responses are found to be not influenced by the mesh size due to the micromorphic regularization, while the adaptive meshing enables us to capture the width of deformation bands without the necessity of employing fine mesh everywhere in the domain.
- Na, Bryant, Sun - 2019 - A configurational force for adaptive re-meshing of gradient-enhanced poromechanics problems with history-depend.pdf application/pdf 3.97 MB Download File
Also Published In
- Title
- Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2019.112572
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045782519304372
More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
- Published Here
- September 6, 2019