Theses Master's

Defining a Stage Manager: Guidelines for Stage Management in the Republic of Korea

Kang, Taeuk

For the purposes of this paper, a comparison is thus needed to explain why the field of stage management specifically and overall theatrical development has had varying impact on the role of stage managers in two different theatre industries in question – namely the industry in The Republic of Korea and the Broadway industry in the United States. In order to introduce appropriate guidelines for Korea’s stage management industry, it is important to compare the advanced and specialized systems of each industry through interviews with current stage managers, producers and directors in Korea and on Broadway.

This paper aims to compare how the historical, cultural, technical, and educational aspects of stage management have evolved in Korea. Theatrical professionals in Korea need to know what stage managers do and why they are relevant. Furthermore, suggestions are provided to further advance the career direction of stage managers in Korea.

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Academic Units
Thesis Advisors
Passaro, Michael J.
M.F.A., Columbia University
Published Here
May 6, 2020