Theses Doctoral

Manet's Watercolors: Transition and Translation in the 1860s

Kremnitzer, Kathryn

This dissertation aims to establish a technical discourse around Édouard Manet’s early watercolors and to clarify their intermediary function between his painting and printmaking in the 1860s. My project breaks from historically medium-specific divisions within museum collections and catalogue raisonnés to consider a series of case studies that attest to Manet’s working methods across media. Guided by collaborative efforts in conversation with curators and conservators, my close physical examination and analysis of the paintings, drawings, and prints that constitute each chapter resulted in new technical imaging that contributes unprecedented visual evidence to the study of Manet’s crucially influential career.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Art History and Archaeology
Thesis Advisors
Higonnet, Anne
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
July 6, 2020