
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 62, issue 3-4 (2010)

“Bonhoeffer at Union. Critical Turning Points: 1931 and 1939” by Clifford Green, 1
“One Body: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on the Church’s Existence as Sinner and Saint at once.” by Eva Harasta, 17
“Speak My Name: Anti-Colonial Mimicry and the Samaritan Woman in John 4:1-42” by Sung Uk Lim, 35
“From Atlanta to Brooklyn: The Social Gospel Ministry and Legacy of Henry H. Proctor” by Moses N. Moore, Jr., 52
“The Internal Coherence of Cyril of Alexandria’s Pneumatology: Interpreting the 7th Dialogue of the Dialogues on the Trinity” by Matthew J. Pereira, 70
“The Property of Simplicity in Affirmative (Kataphatic) and Negative (Apophatic) Theological Approaches” by Sergey Trostyanskiy, 99
“Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Concept of the cor curvum in se: A Critique of Bonhoeffer’s Polemic with Reinhold Seeberg in Act and Being” by Richard Cumming, 116
“The Rhetoric of Intimate Spaces: Affect and Performance in the Corinthian Correspondence” by Maria Kotrosits, 134
“Reinhold Niebuhr, Paul Tillich and “the German Situation”” by Daniel J. Rice, 152

Book Reviews
“Léon Turner. Theology, Psychology, and the Plural Self” by Amy Bentley Lamborn, 187
“Peter Goodwin Heltzel. Jesus and Justice: Evangelicals, Race, and American Politics” by Karyn Carlo, 189
“Stephen Plant and Ralf. K Wüstenberg, Eds. Religion, Religionless, and Contemporary Western Culture” by Peter Frick, 191


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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October 27, 2021