
Notes on a Cultural History of Reporting

Tucher, Andrea Jean

James W. Carey’s landmark call for a cultural history of reporting has galvanized some scholars and perplexed others, many of whom find too vague or limiting his description of the task as exploring the history of consciousness. Here I suggest recasting the troublesome question and considering instead the history of the most basic and elemental task of journalism: the effort of some humans to persuade other humans they probably don’t know that what they say is an acceptable representation of their world. Such an approach involves exploring both the practical, nuts-and-bolts aspects of journalistic work as well as the mutual understandings and expectations that developed between readers and journalists, and focuses on the later nineteenth century as the time of greatest change. I pose a series of questions as a starting point for this investigation.


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Cultural Studies

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Published Here
September 29, 2021


Also published in Cultural Studies