2020 Essays
The Publishing Silver Lining Of COVID-19: New Opportunities for Institutional and Professional Relevance
There are many ways in which libraries, as vital centers of knowledge, can revitalize their academic role. Publishing is one of them. As James M. Donovan and I recently revealed in our forthcoming article in the Journal of Law and Education, (" Academic Law Libraries and Scholarship: Communication, Publishing, and Ranking) ," law journal publishing by law school libraries is already on our radar. What is not yet on our radar is book publishing.
For instance, Columbia Law School Professor Katharina Pistor's book, Law in the Time of COVID , is a perfect example. Neither the content production nor the publication required any direct financial investment. All contributors were faculty members. The various copy editors were also Columbia Law School faculty. The publishing was done by Columbia Law School Library employees.
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More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Diamond Law Library
- Published Here
- June 12, 2020