2020 Articles
The value proposition of the Global Health Security Index
Some scholars have recently offered constructive critiques of the Global Health Security Index’s approach to scoring and ranking countries; its weighting of select indicators; its emphasis on transparency; its focus on biosecurity and biosafety capacities; and divergence between select country scores and corresponding COVID-19-associated caseloads, morbidity, and mortality. Here, we (1) describe the practical value of the GHS Index; (2) present potential use cases to help policymakers and practitioners maximise the utility of the tool; (3) discuss the importance of scoring and ranking; (4) describe the robust methodology underpinning country scores and ranks; (5) highlight the GHS Index’s emphasis on transparency and (6) articulate caveats for users wishing to use GHS Index data in health security research, policymaking and practice.
- Value Proposition GHSIndex.pdf application/pdf 174 KB Download File
Also Published In
- Title
- BMJ Global Health
- https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2020-003648
- https://gh.bmj.com/content/5/10/e003648.full/
More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy
- Published Here
- October 20, 2020