Theses Master's

Walkability in an Aging-Friendly Neighborhood: making of aging-supportive streets in East Harlem.

Hao, Lu

The rapid aging of the population sent the urgent message that our cities and towns need to prepare for this phenomenon, and increased attention on how to pursue successful and healthy aging. As WHO Healthy Aging emphasizes that healthy aging should not be exclusive and every person has the right to experience healthy aging. For understanding the development of aging-supportive communities, this study focuses on the East Harlem, which is one of neighborhoods with strong Hispanic identities and a large group of the elderly population in New York City, and explores how planning practitioners can improve the quality of life of our older adults through improving pedestrian environment and street conditions. Qualitative methods are employed including the survey among local older adults and neighborhood streets audition. This study intends to raise greater attention to create a humane and inclusive built environment on the community level in support of healthy aging.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Urban Planning
Thesis Advisors
Hutson, Malo A.
M.S., Columbia University
Published Here
July 10, 2019