Chapters (Layout Features)

“The True, the False, and the ‘Not Exactly Lying’: Making Fakes and Telling Stories in the Age of the Real Thing"

Tucher, Andrea Jean

In the complicated journalistic landscape of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, where all the rules for both fact and fiction were under reconsideration, some journalists briefly embraced the practice they openly called "faking" as a true-to-life way of rendering the world. The professional and public discourse about the propriety of the practice offers intriguing insights into evolving understandings about exactly how to tell the truth.


Also Published In

Literature and Journalism: Inspirations, Intersections, and Inventions from Ben Franklin to Stephen Colbert
Palgrave Macmillan

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Academic Units
Published Here
September 28, 2021


Also published in Literature and Journalism: Inspirations, Intersections, and Inventions from Ben Franklin to Stephen Colbert, ed. Mark Canada (Palgrave Macmillan)