
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 65, issue 1-2 (2014)

“Editor’s Introduction” by Jason Wyman, i
“Hearing the Music in the Festschrift: A “Listening Guide”” by Heather Wise, iii
“The Difference Christopher Morse Makes: A Dogmatics for the Practice of Ministry” by Thomas L. Brunkow, 1
“Testing the Spirits” by Trevor Eppehimer, 10
“Tribute to Dr. Christopher L. Morse” by Larry R. Hayward, 17
“Sed Contra, Ergo, Responsio: Honoring the Legacy of Christopher Morse as a Teacher of Christian Theology” by Daniel Spencer and Mary Beth Walsh, 26
“The Coming Cloud” by James F. Kay, 42
“Jesus and the Divine Name” by R. Kendall Soulen, 47
“Faithful Disbelief: Christopher Morse Between Foucault and Barth” by Marvin E. Wickware, Jr., 59
“The Problem of Universal Salvation in the Theology of Emil Brunner” by Richard Paul Cumming, 74
“Apophasis and the Trinity: On the Enduring Significance of Revelation for Theology” by Gabriel Morgan, 96
“The Strange Worlds of Apocalyptic, Christian Ethics, and Princeton Theological Seminary” by Nancy J. Duff, 114
“Moving Heaven and Earth: A Womanist Dogmatics of Black Dance as Basileia” by Eboni Marshall Turman, 122
“Beyond Consolation: the Significance of Failure for Faith” by Heather Wise, 142
“Faith for Faithful Disbelievers: Christopher Morse as Systematic Theologian” by D. Seiple, 156
“The Humanity of Divinity” by Philip G. Ziegler, 171
“Approaching Calvin Today in “The Spirit of the Explorer”” by Christopher Morse, 181
“Chapel Reflections on the Start of the Iraq War” by Christopher Morse, 190
“A Brief Biography of Christopher Morse,” 194
“ST Courses Offered in Theology and Ethics as Curriculum of The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Chair in Theology and Ethics by Christopher Morse,” 195
“A Selective Bibliography,” 196
“Contributors,” 202


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