
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 15, issue 1 (1959)

"The Problem of a Protestant Social Ethic" by Reinhold Niebuhr, 1

"Faith Comes by Preaching" by James Muilenburg, 13

"The Duty of the Christian Today" by Charles Malik, 19

"When a Man Sees God" by Arthur A. Rouner, 31

"Bibliography for Ministers," 39
XIII. Homiletics
XIV. Church Administration

"Book Reviews," 51
Roland H. Bainton, John C. Bennett, Ralph S. Carpenter, James Harrel Cobb, Gilbert Gragg, George M. Landes, Robert Lee, Richard McKenna, C. Ellis Nelson, John Oliver Nelson, Samuel Terrien, Alan Thompson, Kenneth Thompson, Jr., Phyllis Trible, Daniel D. Williams


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Theological Seminary
Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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October 27, 2021